Advance Directive for Health Care Decisions (Oregon)

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About this template
The legal template, "Advance Directive for Health Care Decisions (Oregon) under USA law," is a legally binding document that allows individuals in the state of Oregon, United States, to express their preferences and make informed decisions regarding their medical treatment and health care. This template is designed to ensure that an individual's wishes concerning their health care are respected, even if they become unable to communicate or make decisions for themselves in the future.

The Advance Directive for Health Care Decisions template is primarily used to appoint a trusted person, known as a health care representative or proxy, who will have the authority to make medical decisions on behalf of the individual, based on their expressed wishes and best interests. This proxy is typically a family member, close friend, or someone the individual feels confident in entrusting with their health care choices.

Within the document, the individual can outline their specific preferences regarding medical treatments, surgical procedures, and end-of-life care. They may choose to accept or decline certain medical interventions, such as resuscitation, artificial nutrition and hydration, or life-sustaining procedures, based on their personal beliefs, religious considerations, or quality of life standards.

Furthermore, the template may address the individual's desires regarding pain management, palliative care, organ donation, and other pertinent health care matters. It allows for specific instructions to be included, ensuring that personal values, cultural or religious practices, and treatment preferences are respected and carried out appropriately.

In addition to appointing a health care representative and documenting specific instructions, individuals may also choose to complete a Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form, which provides additional guidance to medical professionals in emergency situations. This can help ensure that medical providers are aware of the person's medical preferences, even if the health care representative is not immediately available.

Overall, the Advance Directive for Health Care Decisions template in Oregon provides individuals with a legal tool to make well-informed decisions about their medical treatment, empower a trusted representative to advocate for their preferences, and ultimately ensure that their health care wishes are respected if they become incapacitated.
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