Health Care Proxy (Massachusetts)

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About this template
The Health Care Proxy template for Massachusetts serves as a legally binding document outlining the appointment of an individual as a healthcare proxy or healthcare agent. This document enables the individual, termed the "principal," to designate someone they trust to make medical decisions on their behalf should they become unable to communicate or make decisions for themselves.

This template typically includes the necessary legal language, precise details of the principal's personal information, and specifics about the appointed proxy, including their contact information and acceptance of the role. The document also allows the principal to outline their preferences regarding medical treatments, end-of-life care, and organ donation.

By utilizing this legal template, residents of Massachusetts can proactively ensure that their healthcare wishes are respected and that they have a trusted advocate to speak on their behalf when they cannot. It is important for individuals to complete and update this document as changes in their health conditions or personal circumstances occur, ensuring that their healthcare proxy remains up to date and reflective of their current wishes.
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