About this category:

Companies use RFP documents to get bids from vendors for a project and to make sure the project follows legal requirements.

Templates in this category:

Request For Proposal (RFP) For Legal Services

This legal template serves as a formal solicitation document for potential legal service providers. It outlines the requirements, expectations, and evaluation criteria for selecting a suitable legal firm to represent and handle specific legal matters for the requester's organization.

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Request for the Production of Documents (RFP) (Illinois)

This legal template is likely a formal document used in the state of Illinois to request the opposing party to produce specific documents or evidence relevant to a legal case. It serves as a formal means to gather necessary information and can be used in various legal proceedings, such as civil litigation or discovery processes.

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Request For Proposal (RFP) For IT Services

This legal template seeks proposals from potential service providers for IT services. It outlines the requirements, scope of work, and evaluation criteria to help select the most suitable vendor.

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Request For Proposal (RFP) For E-Discovery Vendor

This legal template is a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an E-Discovery Vendor. It outlines the requirements and criteria for selecting a vendor that offers electronic discovery services and solutions.

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Form Request For Proposal (RFP)/Request For Quote (RFQ) For Services

This legal template is a standardized form used by organizations to solicit bids from vendors for various services. It outlines the requirements, terms, and conditions for the project and allows vendors to submit proposals or quotes for consideration.

Contract template sketch
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