Excerpts of Record (More Than 300 Pages): Additional Volumes (Ninth Circuit)

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About this template
This legal template pertains to an important aspect of the USA legal system, specifically related to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. It focuses on compiling excerpts of record that exceed 300 pages. Excerpts of record generally refer to selected portions of the trial court record that are relevant to the appeal, including pleadings, motions, orders, transcripts, and exhibits. In cases where the record is extensive and exceeds the standard limit, additional volumes are required to accommodate all the necessary information.

The template likely outlines the specific requirements and guidelines for preparing and submitting these extensive excerpts of record, ensuring compliance with the procedural rules and regulations set forth by the Ninth Circuit Court. It may provide instructions on formatting, pagination, document organization, and other technical details that must be adhered to when assembling and presenting the extensive record to the court.

This template is likely designed to assist legal practitioners, attorneys, or litigants involved in appellate proceedings taking place within the Ninth Circuit. It aims to simplify the process of gathering and presenting the necessary evidence and documentation to support their case on appeal, particularly in situations where there is a substantial amount of information to be included.
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