Court Documents

About this category:

Court documents are used in court proceedings to provide evidence, make arguments, and record proceedings.

Templates in this category:

Background Check Policy (Georgia)

This legal template is a document outlining the guidelines and procedures for conducting background checks on applicants or employees within the state of Georgia, in accordance with the applicable laws of the United States.

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Depositions: Errata Sheet

This legal template provides a standardized format for individuals to correct errors or make additional statements in previously submitted depositions under United States law.

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Contest of OSHA Citation Notice

This legal template could be a document designed to contest or challenge an OSHA citation notice, which is issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States. The template likely assists individuals or organizations in presenting their case and defending against the citation in a legal proceeding.

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Document Requests: Request for the Production of Documents (RFP) (Massachusetts)

This legal template is a standard document request used in Massachusetts under United States law to formally request the production of specific documents during a legal proceeding.

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Motion: a Remote Deposition (Federal): Memorandum of Law

This legal template could be about a motion to conduct a remote deposition in a federal case, along with a memorandum of law supporting the request. It may discuss the reasons and legal basis for preferring a remote deposition, such as convenience, cost-effectiveness, or health and safety concerns.

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Inter Partes Review: Opposition to Motion: Amend (Petitioner)

This legal template is about an opposition to a motion to amend in an Inter Partes Review (IPR) case, specifically related to a petitioner under the laws of the United States. The template likely provides arguments and procedures to challenge the requested amendment.

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Motion: a Physical or Mental Examination (Federal): Memorandum of Law

This legal template likely pertains to a motion requesting a physical or mental examination in a federal court case. The accompanying memorandum of law would likely present arguments and legal reasoning in support of the motion.

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CFTC Record Retention Schedule

This legal template likely pertains to the regulations set by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) regarding the required record retention schedule for certain financial documents and data. It provides guidance on how long specific records should be retained in compliance with the law.

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ITC Section 337 Investigations: Motion: Summary Determination (Domestic Industry Economic Prong)

This legal template pertains to ITC Section 337 investigations, specifically related to motions for summary determination under USA law. It focuses on the economic prong of the Domestic Industry requirement for the case.

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Motion: Recuse or Disqualify a Judge (Federal): Proposed Order

This legal template provides a framework for filing a motion to recuse or disqualify a federal judge in a legal proceeding, along with a proposed order detailing how the judge should be removed from the case.

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Adversary Proceeding Complaint to Object To or Determine Extent, Validity, and Priority of a Lien or Other Interest in Property (Bankruptcy)

This legal template is for filing a complaint in a bankruptcy case to object to or determine the extent, validity, and priority of a lien or other interest in a property under USA law.

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Motion to Dismiss: Motion or Motion to Dismiss (Federal) Notice

This legal template could be a motion filed by a party requesting the dismissal of a case in the Federal Court under the laws of the United States. The motion aims to provide notice to the opposing party regarding the intent to dismiss the case and may serve as a preliminary step towards resolving the legal matter.

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Temporary Restraining Order (Illinois)

This legal template is likely a document outlining the terms and conditions for obtaining a temporary restraining order in the state of Illinois. It may include instructions on how to file for the order, eligibility requirements, and the duration of the order.

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Motion for Expedited Discovery (Texas)

This legal template pertains to a motion filed in the state of Texas, seeking permission for expedited discovery. It aims to expedite the discovery process in a legal case, allowing for the quick collection and exchange of evidence and information between the parties involved.

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Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law Under FRCP 50(b): Motion or Motion Notice

This legal template appears to be a document requesting the court to reconsider its judgment and grant a new verdict in favor of the movant. It is filed under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 50(b) and seeks a judgment as a matter of law. The template might include arguments, legal grounds, and facts supporting the motion.

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Remote Deposition Stipulated Protocol & Proposed Order (Federal)

This legal template likely pertains to the guidelines and procedures for conducting remote depositions, specifically in the context of federal cases. It likely outlines a stipulated agreement between parties regarding technology and logistics, and also suggests a proposed order to be approved by the court.

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Motion: Transfer Venue (Federal): Proposed Order

This legal template could be a motion for transferring the venue of a case from one federal court to another, accompanied by a proposed order, under the laws of the United States.

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Court of Appeals Appendix (NY Civil Appeals)

This legal template is a document that provides an appendix for court of appeals cases in New York Civil Appeals under United States law. It likely contains key information and references related to the case, aiding in the appellate process.

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Background Check Policy (Minnesota)

This legal template is a comprehensive policy document related to conducting background checks in the state of Minnesota, USA. It outlines the guidelines, procedures, and requirements for employers to follow when performing background checks on prospective employees, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

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Complaint (Ohio)

This legal template could be a standardized document used to file a complaint in the state of Ohio, United States, and is intended to comply with the laws and regulations specific to the jurisdiction.

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Litigation Hold Notice

This legal template could be a document used to inform relevant parties about the obligation to preserve all relevant documents and records in anticipation of potential litigation. It may outline the scope, duration, and specific instructions for preserving evidence to ensure its accessibility and prevent spoliation.

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Proposed Order Directing Appointment of an Examiner

This legal template could be designed to facilitate the appointment of an examiner in a legal case. It could outline the necessary steps and provide a proposed order for the appointment, allowing the court to review and finalize the decision.

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Third-Party Complaint (Georgia)

This legal template is likely a document used in Georgia to file a complaint against a third party involved in a legal dispute. It may outline the claims against the third party and seek damages or other remedies.

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Third-Party Complaint (Ohio)

This legal template likely pertains to the process by which a third party files a complaint in the state of Ohio. It may provide a standardized structure and format for initiating legal action against a party not originally involved in a lawsuit.

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Motion for a More Definite Statement: Motion or Motion Notice

A motion for a more definite statement is a legal template used to request further clarification or specific details from the opposing party in a lawsuit. This motion seeks to address vagueness or ambiguity in the initial complaint or a legal document.

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Document Requests for Named Inventor Subpoena Re:Patents

This legal template likely pertains to a case involving patent disputes under US law. It outlines the process of requesting documents from a named inventor through a subpoena for the purpose of gathering evidence relevant to the patents in question.

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Sealing Order (Texas)

A Sealing Order (Texas) legal template is a document that outlines the process and conditions for sealing certain court records in the state of Texas. It provides guidance on the procedures to be followed, the requirements for eligibility, and the legal basis for requesting the sealing of specific records.

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Motion to Compel Discovery (Federal): Motion or Motion Notice

This legal template is a formal request to the court to order the opposing party to provide requested documents, evidence, or information in a federal case under United States law.

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Agency's Brief in Response to Complainant's Appeal of an Agency Final Action: EEOC OFO

This legal template is a brief that an agency would use to respond to a complainant's appeal regarding an agency's final action. It pertains to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Office of Federal Operations (EEOC OFO) under United States law.

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Motion: Amend a Pleading (Federal): Proposed Order

This legal template likely pertains to filing a motion in a federal court to amend a pleading. It includes a proposed order that outlines the desired changes or modifications to the original pleading before it is officially granted.

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First Department Appellant's Brief (NY Civil Appeals)

This legal template is specifically designed for preparing an appellant's brief in civil appeals cases within the First Department of New York under the jurisdiction of USA law. It offers a framework to present arguments and relevant legal points to the appellate court.

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Reply Brief (Third Circuit)

This legal template is likely a document that outlines a response or argument to a previously filed brief in a case that is currently being heard in the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. It could provide additional information, counterarguments, or clarification of the points raised in the original brief.

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Safe Harbor Notice For Qualified Retirement Plans

This legal template could be a notice provided to participants of qualified retirement plans, informing them about the plan's Safe Harbor provisions, requirements, and benefits, as guided by the relevant laws and regulations.

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Motion for Entry of Final Foreclosure Judgment (New Jersey)

This legal template could be about a motion filed in New Jersey court seeking the entry of a final foreclosure judgment, which would officially end the foreclosure process and allow the lender to proceed with property repossession and sale.

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Proposed Order Approving Appointment of Chapter 11 Trustee

This legal template could be a document to seek court approval for appointing a Chapter 11 trustee in a bankruptcy case. It would outline the reasons and qualifications of the proposed trustee, seeking the court's consent to proceed with the appointment.

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Post-Judgment Subpoena Duces Tecum (New York)

This legal template is likely to be a document used in New York to request the production of specific documents or evidence following a judgment in a lawsuit. It is designed to assist in obtaining relevant information that may be necessary for post-judgment proceedings or enforcement actions.

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Third-Party Complaint (Illinois)

This legal template could be a document used in Illinois to file a complaint against a third party involved in a legal dispute or claim. It allows the claimant to seek additional damages or relief from a party other than the original defendant.

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ITC Section 337 Investigations: Interrogatories (Respondent to Complainant)

This legal template could be a set of questions and requests for information served by a respondent to a complainant in an ITC Section 337 investigation under the United States law.

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Requests For Admission (Federal)

This legal template refers to a document filed in federal court where one party requests the other party to admit or deny certain facts related to the case, aiming to clarify the issues and potentially streamline the litigation process.

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Lis Pendens (Florida) Notice

This legal template could be a document used in Florida to provide notice of a pending lawsuit or legal action concerning a particular property or real estate dispute.

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Deposition (Florida) Notice

This legal template likely pertains to the process of conducting a deposition in the state of Florida under the jurisdiction of USA law. It could provide details on how to notify parties involved about the deposition, including the time, date, and location, as required by legal procedures in Florida.

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Final Decree Closing Chapter 11 Case

This legal template is a final decree closing a Chapter 11 bankruptcy case under USA law. It outlines the completion of the bankruptcy proceedings and the resolutions made, potentially including the discharge of debts, successful reorganization, or liquidation of assets.

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Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition Notice (Patent Owner to Accused Infringer) Re:Patents

This legal template likely pertains to a Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition Notice relating to patents. It is most likely a document served by the patent owner to the accused infringer, setting forth rules and requirements for the deposition process in relation to patent infringement claims.

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Employee Interview Statement For an Unfair Labor Practice Investigation (Johnnie's Poultry Statement)

This legal template is likely a document to record the statement of an employee, named Johnnie, as part of an investigation into an unfair labor practice. It is specific to the laws and regulations in the United States.

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Jury Verdict Form: Medical Malpractice (New York)

This legal template is a Jury Verdict Form specifically designed for cases of Medical Malpractice in the state of New York, following the regulations established by USA law. It provides a structured framework for recording and documenting the jury's decision and verdict in such cases.

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Subpoena Duces Tecum for Deposition (Florida)

This legal template likely pertains to a document that orders the production of specific records or materials to be presented at a deposition in Florida.

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Stipulation to Extend Time to Respond to a Complaint (New York)

This legal template is a document used in New York to formalize an agreement between parties involved in a legal dispute. It allows for an extension of time to respond to a complaint, giving the recipient more time to gather evidence, consult with legal counsel, or prepare a response.

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Interrogatories: Response to Interrogatories (New York)

This legal template provides a written response to interrogatories, which are a series of written questions posed by one party to another in a legal case taking place in New York, United States. The template is designed to adhere to the applicable laws and regulations within the USA.

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Motion for Relief from Technical Admissions (Florida)

This legal template could be about a motion filed in Florida seeking relief from technical admissions made in a legal document, such as an answer, pleading, or affidavit, due to errors or inaccuracies that may adversely affect a case.

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Request For an FLSA Opinion Letter from Department of Labor's Wage & Hour Division

This legal template is a formal request to the Department of Labor's Wage & Hour Division, seeking an opinion letter regarding the application and interpretation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) on a specific issue.

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Complaint (Georgia)

This legal template could be a document used to file a complaint in the state of Georgia under the jurisdiction of United States law. It likely outlines the grievances or allegations being made by the plaintiff against the defendant and may be used to initiate legal action.

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Final Pretrial Order by FRCP 16(e)

This legal template is a Final Pretrial Order under the USA law, specifically governed by Rule 16(e) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP). It outlines the essential information agreed upon by both parties before the trial, such as the issues to be addressed, witnesses, and exhibits, ensuring a smoother trial process.

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Application For Order Approving Appointment of Examiner

This legal template is about filing an application to seek approval from the court for the appointment of an examiner under the laws of the United States. The purpose is to enable the examination and investigation of a specific matter, potentially related to a legal case or financial situation.

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MHPAEA Form to Request Health Plan Documentation on Treatment Limitations

This legal template could be a standardized form that individuals can use to request documentation from their health plan regarding any treatment limitations imposed under the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA).

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Document Requests in New York: Request For Production of Documents

This legal template likely pertains to the process of requesting specific documents from a party involved in a legal matter in New York State, in accordance with US law. The template may outline the necessary steps and guidelines to formally request the production of relevant documents during a legal proceeding.

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Interrogatories (Massachusetts)

This legal template is a document related to interrogatories, which are a set of written questions used in the discovery phase of a legal case. It specifically pertains to Massachusetts law within the United States.

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Subpoena Duces Tecum (Trial) (NY)

This legal template is likely a document used in New York for requesting the production of specific documents or evidence in a trial through a subpoena. It is referred to as a Subpoena Duces Tecum, indicating that it requires the recipient to bring forth tangible items relating to the case.

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Motion for a Protective Order (Massachusetts): Motion

for a court order to prevent the disclosure of sensitive or privileged information during legal proceedings.

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Substantive Nonconsolidation & True Sale Opinion: Asset-Backed Securities (ABS)

This legal template provides guidance on Substantive Nonconsolidation & True Sale Opinion for Asset-Backed Securities (ABS), ensuring compliance and clarity in the transfer of assets and protection of interests for ABS investors.

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Deposition of Entity Representative (Illinois) Notice

This legal template is a document that is used to provide notice to the representative of an entity in the state of Illinois, informing them of their obligation to appear for a deposition under the laws of the United States.

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Antitrust Litigation: Interrogatories Defining Relevant Market

This legal template is focused on providing a structure for drafting interrogatories related to antitrust litigation, specifically regarding the definition and determination of the relevant market, as per the laws and regulations of the United States of America.

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Proposed Order Terminating Appointment of Chapter 11 Trustee & Restoring Debtor to Possession

This legal template is likely for a case involving a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, where the debtor is seeking to terminate the appointment of a trustee and regain possession of their assets or business. The proposed order would outline the necessary steps and conditions for the termination and restoration of the debtor's rights and responsibilities.

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Privilege Log (Florida)

This legal template likely pertains to documenting and listing privileged documents or information in the state of Florida as part of a legal process or litigation. A Privilege Log typically identifies documents that are protected by attorney-client privilege or other legal privileges, helping to ensure confidentiality and protection during legal proceedings.

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Petition For Permission to Appeal Class Certification Decision by FRCP 23(f)

This legal template is designed for individuals or entities seeking permission to appeal a class certification decision made under FRCP 23(f). It provides a structured format for petitioning the relevant authorities to review and potentially overturn the decision for further legal proceedings.

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template Objections for Interrogatory Responses: To Plaintiff in a Single Plaintiff Discrimination Case

This legal template provides a set of objections to be used by defendants in a single plaintiff discrimination case when responding to interrogatories served by the plaintiff.

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Patent Invalidity Opinion (Obviousness)

This legal template provides an opinion on the invalidity of a patent based on the grounds of obviousness. It analyzes the patent in question and assesses whether the claimed invention would have been obvious to a person skilled in the relevant field, potentially challenging the patent's validity.

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template Objections for Interrogatory Responses to Plaintiff in a Single Plaintiff FEHA Discrimination Case (California)

This legal template provides a standardized format for objecting to interrogatory responses in a discrimination case filed under California's Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) where there is only one plaintiff involved.

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Consumer Facing Web Accessibility Statement

This legal template could be a document outlining a company's commitment to making their website accessible to all users, in accordance with the web accessibility guidelines set forth by US laws. It may include information about the company's accessibility features, assistance options, and how users can reach out for further assistance or report any issues.

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Entry of Order or Judgment (California) Notice

This legal template is likely an official document used in California to notify relevant parties about an entry of a court order or judgment in compliance with the laws of the United States of America.

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Brief in Support of a Motion: Transfer Venue Re:Patents

This legal template could be a document supporting a motion to transfer the venue of a patent case under the United States law. It may present arguments and evidence to justify the need for a change in the location of the trial.

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Response to Requests for Admission (Florida)

This legal template is a document used in Florida courts to respond to Requests for Admission, which are formal written questions asking the other party to admit or deny certain statements or facts relevant to the case. The template provides a structured format for the party to address and respond to each request appropriately and accurately.

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Motion: Certification of Interlocutory Appeal: MSPB

This legal template could be a motion filed in a case before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) requesting certification of an interlocutory appeal. The appeal seeks to challenge a specific decision or order made by the board during the ongoing proceedings, allowing the case to be reviewed by an appellate court before the final resolution is reached.

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Location of Debtor's Substantial Assets & Books & Records For SDNY

This legal template could be a document used to determine the location of a debtor's significant assets and access their books and records. It would likely pertain to a case being heard in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) under United States law.

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E-Discovery: Document Production Request Form

This legal template outlines the procedure for requesting the production of documents in the context of electronic discovery (e-discovery) in the United States under applicable laws and regulations. It provides a structured format to effectively request specific documents from the opposing party during legal proceedings.

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FRE 502(d) Order

This legal template likely relates to a court order invoking Federal Rule of Evidence (FRE) 502(d). FRE 502(d) allows parties to enter into agreements to protect attorney-client privilege and work-product privilege from waiver during discovery in litigation.

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Rule 502

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Eviction Summons (New Jersey)

This legal template is an Eviction Summons specific to the state of New Jersey in the USA. It outlines the necessary legal steps and requirements for initiating eviction proceedings against a tenant within the jurisdiction.

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Subpoena for Entity Deposition (NY)

This legal template is a document that is used to issue a subpoena to compel an entity to provide testimony and produce documents during a deposition in the state of New York.

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Subpoena to Testify at Trial or Hearing in Civil Action (Federal)

This legal template is a document used to request an individual's appearance as a witness to testify at either a trial or hearing in a civil action within the federal court system. Its purpose is to legally compel the person to provide their testimony and assist in resolving the case.

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Proposed Jury Instructions (Federal)

This legal template provides a comprehensive set of instructions to guide the jury in a federal trial, outlining the law, rules, and standards they must follow when deliberating on the case. It ensures the jury has a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities in reaching a fair and impartial verdict.

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Local Government Emergency Order to Shelter in Place During COVID-19 Pandemic

This legal template provides guidelines and restrictions imposed by local governments to ensure residents remain in their homes and limit non-essential activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, in compliance with US laws.

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Motion: Dismiss: Proposed Order (Federal)

This legal template could be a motion submitted in a federal court requesting a dismissal of a case. The proposed order is a document accompanying the motion that outlines the desired outcome or action to be taken by the court.

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Complaint (Federal)

This legal template could be a document used to file a formal complaint at the federal level in the United States. It likely provides a structure and format for individuals or entities to present their grievances in accordance with relevant US laws and regulations.

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Attorney Certification of Compliance with Word Limits (New York)

This legal template is likely a document that attorneys in New York can use to certify their compliance with word limits set by USA law. It ensures that their legal documents or submissions do not exceed the maximum word count specified by the jurisdiction.

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Inter Partes Review: Opposition to Motion: Exclude (Patent Owner)

This legal template likely pertains to an inter partes review process in the USA, where one party opposes a motion to exclude the patent owner from a certain action or decision. The template presumably provides a framework or guidelines for presenting this opposition based on relevant US laws and regulations.

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Certificate of Company's Secretary: Public Debt Offerings

This legal template is a Certificate of Company's Secretary specifically related to public debt offerings under USA law. It likely outlines the necessary documentation and procedures required for a company's secretary to validate and authorize public debt offerings in compliance with relevant legal regulations.

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Civil Appeals: Appeal (Ohio) Notice

This legal template could be a document used in the state of Ohio to notify an appeal in a civil case under the jurisdiction of the United States. It serves as an official notice to the necessary parties regarding the intent to challenge a prior court decision and seek further review.

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Demurrer and Demurrer (California) Notice

This legal template could be a document outlining the process and requirements for filing a demurrer, which is a legal pleading that challenges the legal sufficiency of a complaint, in the state of California, as per the laws of the United States of America.

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Third-Party Legal Opinion For Unsecured Loans (Bilateral Transactions)

This legal template provides a third-party legal opinion for unsecured loans in bilateral transactions. It outlines the legal position and potential risks associated with lending and borrowing money without collateral, offering legal protection and guidance to parties involved in the loan agreement.

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Proposed Order Granting Stay Pending Appeal in Bankruptcy Case

This legal template appears to be about a proposed order seeking permission to delay or suspend legal action in a bankruptcy case until the outcome of an appeal is determined.

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Document Preservation Letter For an Opposing or Co-Party

This legal template serves as a document preservation letter under USA law. It is used to notify an opposing party or co-party to preserve all relevant documents and electronically stored information (ESI) that may be relevant to an ongoing legal matter. The purpose is to ensure the preservation of evidence and maintain the integrity of the legal process.

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Deposition (Massachusetts) Notice

This legal template is likely a notice under USA law specific to the state of Massachusetts that pertains to the process of taking a deposition in a legal matter. It may outline the rules and procedures for conducting a deposition and notify the involved parties of their rights and obligations during this stage of the litigation process.

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Requests for Admissions (Opposer/Petitioner) TTAB

This legal template could be about Requests for Admissions filed by an Opposer or Petitioner in the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) proceedings. It likely includes a series of statements asking the opposing party to admit or deny certain facts or allegations relevant to the case.

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Third-Party Complaint (Federal)

This legal template is likely a document that allows an individual or organization to file a complaint against a third party in a federal court. It may be used when the party believes the third party is responsible for certain damages or violations and seeks legal resolution.

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Letter Acknowledging Receipt of Domestic Relations Order

This legal template is a letter that acknowledges the receipt of a Domestic Relations Order (DRO) under USA law. The template may include details about the DRO, such as the parties involved, the court jurisdiction, and the nature of the order. It serves as a formal acknowledgment of the receipt of the DRO by the intended recipient, typically an employer or retirement plan administrator.

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Appellate Deadline Chart (Florida)

The Appellate Deadline Chart (Florida) is a legal template designed to assist attorneys and legal professionals practicing in the state of Florida, under USA law. The chart provides a clear overview of the specific deadlines and time frames for filing appellate documents, ensuring compliance with procedural requirements in the appellate process.

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Service of Process on the New York Secretary of State Notice

This legal template could be a notice concerning the service of process on the New York Secretary of State. It likely outlines the requirements and procedures for serving legal documents or lawsuits on the Secretary of State in New York as part of a legal action.

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Discovery Plan for Discrimination Cases Under Title VII Plaintiff-Side

This legal template outlines a strategic plan for conducting discovery in discrimination cases that fall under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Specifically designed for plaintiffs pursuing their claims under USA law, this template helps plaintiffs and their legal team organize and execute their discovery process efficiently.

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Medical Staff Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement

This legal template is a standardized form that medical staff members in the USA can use to disclose any conflicts of interest they may have. It helps ensure transparency and adherence to legal obligations in the healthcare industry.

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Order to Show Cause For Preliminary Injunction & Temporary Restraining Order (Federal)

This legal template is likely a document that outlines an order to show cause for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order in a federal court. It could provide instructions and guidelines for parties involved in a legal dispute, and specify the circumstances under which the injunction and restraining order may be granted.

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Second Department Appellant's Brief (NY Civil Appeals)

This legal template is designed to assist individuals filing an appellant's brief for civil appeals in the Second Department of New York. It provides a concise structure and guidelines to effectively present legal arguments and support the client's position before the appellate court.

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