Motion: Intervene Under FRCP 24 in EEOC Employment Discrimination Lawsuit: Proposed Order

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About this template
This legal template is specifically related to a motion filed under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) Rule 24, requesting the court's permission to intervene in an ongoing Employment Discrimination Lawsuit initiated by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The proposed order included in the template is a proposed court order for the judge to consider and potentially grant should the intervention be deemed necessary and appropriate.

Intervention is a legal term that refers to a third party's request to become involved in a lawsuit or legal proceeding due to a significant interest or stake in the outcome. In this context, the template suggests that a party wishes to intervene in an employment discrimination lawsuit that is currently being pursued by the EEOC. The motion likely provides compelling reasons why the applicant should be allowed to participate as a party or seek limited participation in the litigation.

Employment discrimination lawsuits typically involve claims made by an individual or group who believe they have been unlawfully treated or discriminated against in the workplace based on factors like race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or disability. The EEOC, as a federal agency responsible for enforcing laws against employment discrimination, has the authority to initiate legal actions on behalf of individuals or the public interest.

The template, therefore, provides a starting point for those seeking to intervene as a concerned party, possibly claiming a direct or substantial interest in the outcome of the lawsuit. It could include sections outlining the intervenor's relationship to the case (such as being an employer, an employee, or a representative organization), their reasons for intervention (e.g., potential harm or benefit resulting from the lawsuit's outcome), and any additional legal arguments supporting their participation.

The proposed order contained within the template is a draft order for the presiding judge to consider if they find merit in the request for intervention. The order could detail the court's decision on allowing intervention, any conditions or limitations placed on the intervenor's involvement, and any other relevant instructions or directions for the proceedings moving forward.

It is important to note that the specifics of the template and the motion it supports may vary depending on the unique details and circumstances of the particular employment discrimination lawsuit and the party seeking to intervene.
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