Termination for Convenience (New York) Notice

Contract template sketch
About this template
This legal template, Termination for Convenience (New York) Notice, pertains to a contractual provision that allows for the termination of an agreement without cause. In the state of New York, this template serves as a written notice to inform one party's intention to terminate the contract for their convenience, without any specific reason or breach by the other party. It outlines the process and formalities required when exercising this contractual right, complying with the relevant New York state laws, regulations, and any underlying terms specified in the original agreement. The template typically includes essential information such as the date of termination, clear identification of the terminated agreement, contact details for further communication, and any other necessary details to follow or comply with after the termination, such as return or disposal of goods delivered, cancelling any pending services, or settling outstanding financial matters. It serves as a relied-upon legal document, providing protection and guidance to both parties involved in terminating the contract in a straightforward and legally compliant manner.
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This document is likely to be relevant to all sectors: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Mining; Construction; Manufacturing; Transport; Energy; Wholesale; Retail; Finance; Insurance; Real Estate; Legal Services; Consumer, Public & Health Services; Education; Media; Consultancy; Technology; Public Administration; Sport & Entertainment; Other
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