Carveout Guaranty

About this category:

A Carveout Guaranty document is used to guarantee payment or performance of an obligation by a third party in commercial transactions.

Templates in this category:

Guaranty of Nonrecourse Carveout Obligations (Lender-friendly)

This legal template could be a document that outlines the obligations of a guarantor in a nonrecourse loan agreement, with a focus on protecting the interests of the lender. It may detail the specific carveout obligations that the guarantor must fulfill in the case of default or other specified events, ensuring the lender has recourse to certain assets or actions.

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Guaranty of Nonrecourse Carveout Obligations (Florida)

This legal template likely pertains to an agreement in the state of Florida where a party guarantees the fulfillment of nonrecourse carveout obligations. It may outline the terms and conditions under which the guarantor assumes responsibility for specific obligations in the event of default or breach.

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Intellectual Property Cross-License Contract (Carve-Out or Spin-Off)

This legal template outlines an agreement between two parties to cross-license their intellectual property (IP) assets, specifically for carve-out or spin-off purposes. This contract is designed to comply with USA law.

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Guaranty of Nonrecourse Carveout Obligations (Georgia)

This legal template likely pertains to a document that guarantees the fulfillment of certain obligations in a nonrecourse loan agreement, specifically in the context of Georgia jurisdiction. It could outline the terms and conditions in which a guarantor agrees to assume responsibility for specific liabilities in case of default or breach by the borrower.

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