Convertible Note

About this category:

A Convertible Note is a loan that can be converted into equity at a later date.

Templates in this category:

Convertible Note Purchase Contract with Short-Form Note (Seed-Stage Startup)

This legal template provides a contract for purchasing a convertible note with a short-form note, specifically designed for seed-stage startups operating under USA law.

Contract template sketch
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Stand-Alone Convertible Note (Seed-Stage Startup)

This legal template is likely a document outlining the terms and conditions for a convertible note agreement specifically designed for seed-stage startups. It provides a framework for startups to raise capital from investors, with the note converting into equity at a later stage.

Contract template sketch
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Side Letter: Convertible Note Financing (Seed-Stage Startup)

This legal template is a side letter that discusses convertible note financing for a seed-stage startup company. It aims to outline the terms and conditions of the convertible note agreement between the company and an investor.

Contract template sketch
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Convertible Note Financing (Seed-Stage Startup) Term Sheet

This legal template outlines the terms and conditions for convertible note financing for a startup company in the seed stage. It is in accordance with the laws of the United States of America.

Contract template sketch
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