
About this category:

Declaration documents are legal documents used to make statements or provide evidence in court proceedings or other legal proceedings.

Templates in this category:

Declaration of Natural Death (Kansas)

The Declaration of Natural Death (Kansas) template is a legal document designed to allow individuals in the State of Kansas, USA, to express their wishes concerning end-of-life medical treatment and establish their desire for a natural death in the event of a terminal condition or irreversible coma.

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Declaration: General (California)

This legal template could potentially be a declaration form to be used in California under USA law. It could cover general declarations or statements made by individuals regarding a variety of legal matters or circumstances.

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Declaration: General (Texas)

This legal template could be a declaration form used in the state of Texas, under the jurisdiction of United States law. It likely provides a general format for individuals to make official statements or affirmations in various legal or administrative matters.

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Declaration for Mental Health Treatment (Pennsylvania)

This legal template is a declaration document specific to Pennsylvania, USA, addressing mental health treatment. It likely outlines an individual's preferences, instructions, and authorizations for their mental health treatment, including issues related to medication, therapy, hospitalization, and other relevant aspects.

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Claim Construction Expert Declaration Re:Patents

This legal template is a declaration by a claim construction expert regarding patents disputes within the United States. It provides an analysis and interpretation of the claims made in the patents, offering expert opinion on the construction of these claims in accordance with US law.

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Declaration for Mental Health Treatment (Texas)

This legal template provides a declaration for individuals in Texas to express their preferences and decisions regarding mental health treatment, ensuring their rights and wishes are upheld in accordance with USA law.

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Motion: a Protective Order (Federal): Supporting Declaration

This legal template likely pertains to a motion for a protective order in a federal court setting. It may include a supporting declaration to provide factual evidence and arguments to support the requested protective order.

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Declaration of Environmental Restrictive Covenant For Conservation Purposes

This legal template pertains to the declaration of an environmental restrictive covenant for conservation purposes in accordance with US law. It likely includes provisions aimed at preserving and protecting specific environmental features or areas to ensure their long-term sustainability.

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Declaration of Service (California)

This legal template could be used to document a declaration of service in the state of California under United States law. It would outline the specific details and proof of service provided by an individual or entity to another party in a legal matter.

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Declaration of Nonmilitary Service (California)

This legal template is likely a declaration that certifies an individual's nonmilitary service in the state of California, as mandated by USA law. It may be used for various purposes such as obtaining certain benefits or exemptions associated with nonmilitary service.

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Declaration in Support of Ex Parte Application (California)

This legal template could potentially be used in California courts to submit a declaration in support of an ex parte application. It is designed to comply with the laws and procedures of the United States.

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