Representation Letter

About this category:

A Representation Letter is a legal document that confirms a person's agreement to represent another person in a legal matter.

Templates in this category:

Rule 144 Seller's Representation Letter: Non-Affiliate Sale of Restricted Securities

This legal template is likely a representation letter used by a seller to acknowledge their non-affiliate status and compliance with Rule 144 regulations while selling restricted securities.

Contract template sketch
An outline stencil of a pencil to represent the number of uses this contract template has had.
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Designation of Attorney in Charge (Texas)

This legal template is designed to establish the designation of an attorney in charge in the state of Texas, as mandated by USA law. It outlines the responsible attorney's role and authority, ensuring clarity and compliance in legal matters.

Contract template sketch
An outline stencil of a pencil to represent the number of uses this contract template has had.
Share icon, to represent the number of times this template has been shared by Genie AI users