
About this category:

Sanctions documents are used to impose penalties, such as economic sanctions, travel bans, asset freezes, fines or imprisonment.

Templates in this category:

Motion: Sanctions Under FRCP 37(e): Proposed Order

This legal template is likely a motion to request sanctions, specifically under Rule 37(e) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The proposed order outlines the desired consequences or penalties against a party for failure to preserve electronically stored information (ESI) relevant to the case.

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Motion: Sanctions Under FRCP 37(e): Memorandum of Law

This legal template is likely about a motion to impose sanctions under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 37(e), accompanied by a memorandum of law. It could provide arguments and legal analysis to support the imposition of sanctions for the failure to preserve electronically stored information (ESI) during litigation.

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Motion: Sanctions Under FRCP 11: Safe Harbor Warning Letter

This legal template is a motion requesting sanctions under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 11. It focuses specifically on the safe harbor warning letter requirement, which allows an opportunity to withdraw or correct a flawed document before sanctions are imposed.

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Motion: Sanctions Under FRCP 11: Memorandum of Law

This legal template provides a memorandum of law to support a motion for sanctions under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 11. It discusses the violation of the rule and the legal basis for seeking sanctions against the opposing party.

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Motion: Sanctions Under FRCP 11: Proposed Order

This legal template likely pertains to a motion requesting the imposition of sanctions on a party or attorney under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11. The proposed order may outline the penalties or corrective actions to be taken due to an alleged violation of the rule.

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