Example of an Upjohn Warning For Internal Investigations

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About this template
An Upjohn Warning is a legal term that refers to a notice given to employees during internal investigations in the United States. This specific legal template is designed to provide an example of an Upjohn Warning for internal investigations under USA law.

An Upjohn Warning typically aims to inform employees of their rights and responsibilities when facing an internal investigation conducted by their employer or company's attorneys. It is particularly relevant in situations where employees are requested to provide information or participate in interviews related to potential misconduct or illegal activities within the organization.

This legal template example may contain essential elements intended to protect both the company and its employees. It may outline the purpose of the investigation, emphasizing the need for complete and truthful disclosure of information. The template could highlight that the attorney representing the company is not the employee's personal attorney but rather acts in the best interests of the employer.

Additionally, the template might explain that any communications with the attorney are considered privileged and confidential, meaning that the content cannot be disclosed without explicit permission from the company. It may also clarify that despite the attorney-client privilege, the company has ultimate authority to disclose information if deemed necessary for legal compliance or other legitimate purposes.

Furthermore, the legal template could detail the potential consequences of refusing or providing false information during the investigation, reassuring employees that cooperating will not result in retaliation. It may also notify employees that information obtained during the investigation may be shared with relevant authorities or regulatory bodies, if required by law.

Overall, this legal template serves as an illustrative guide for employers, enabling them to effectively communicate the Upjohn Warning to employees and ensure clarity regarding their rights, responsibilities, and protection during internal investigations under USA law.
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This document is likely to be relevant to all sectors: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Mining; Construction; Manufacturing; Transport; Energy; Wholesale; Retail; Finance; Insurance; Real Estate; Legal Services; Consumer, Public & Health Services; Education; Media; Consultancy; Technology; Public Administration; Sport & Entertainment; Other
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