Litigation Hold Letter (to Client)

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About this template
The Litigation Hold Letter (to Client) is a legal template that is used by attorneys to communicate with their clients regarding the importance of preserving and maintaining relevant documents and other materials for potential litigation. This letter serves as a formal notification to the client about their duty to preserve evidence as soon as they become aware or reasonably anticipate legal proceedings.

The purpose of this template is to provide clear instructions to the client on how to comply with the legal requirement of "litigation hold." It outlines the obligations and responsibilities of the client in ensuring that all relevant information, including physical and electronic documents, correspondence, records, emails, memos, and other potential evidence, is retained and protected from destruction or alteration.

The letter typically includes a detailed explanation of the client's duty to preserve evidence and the potential consequences if they fail to do so. It may also provide guidance on the types of documents and materials that should be preserved, as well as any specific action steps the client should take to ensure compliance.

Additionally, the template may address issues such as the client's obligations to inform and educate relevant employees or third parties involved in the matter about the litigation hold. It may also discuss the possible need for legal hold notices to be issued or posted in relevant areas to ensure everyone understands their duty to preserve evidence.

Overall, the Litigation Hold Letter (to Client) template plays a crucial role in documenting and communicating the client's duty to preserve evidence, assisting attorneys and clients in meeting their legal obligations, and minimizing the risk of spoliation or destruction of crucial evidence that may be vital in future litigation proceedings.
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This document is likely to be relevant to all sectors: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Mining; Construction; Manufacturing; Transport; Energy; Wholesale; Retail; Finance; Insurance; Real Estate; Legal Services; Consumer, Public & Health Services; Education; Media; Consultancy; Technology; Public Administration; Sport & Entertainment; Other
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