Request for Judicial Notice (California)

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About this template
A Request for Judicial Notice (California) is a legal template used in the state of California to formally request the court to take notice of certain facts or evidence that are not subject to reasonable dispute. This document is typically filed by one of the parties involved in a lawsuit, either the plaintiff or defendant, and serves as a formal written request to the court to take judicial notice of specific information or documents that are considered common knowledge or can be easily verified.

The purpose of filing a Request for Judicial Notice is to ensure that certain facts or evidence are recognized by the court and deemed indisputable, without requiring extensive presentation or argument. This ultimately helps streamline the legal proceedings and avoid unnecessary delays or disputes over uncontroversial facts. The facts or evidence requested to be judicially noticed can include matters of public record, official government documents, legal decisions, or other well-known information that is not subject to factual disagreement between the parties.

The Request for Judicial Notice template typically contains an introduction or caption indicating the parties involved and the case details. It is followed by a clear and concise statement of the facts or evidence that the party filing the request believes should be judicially noticed by the court. This statement should include a citation to the specific document or information that supports the request.

It is important to note that a Request for Judicial Notice does not present new evidence or arguments to support a party's case; instead, it seeks the court's acknowledgment of established facts that have a direct impact on the dispute at hand. This legal template ensures a fair and efficient legal process by providing a mechanism for parties to establish certain facts without engaging in lengthy evidentiary proceedings.
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This document is likely to be relevant to all sectors: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Mining; Construction; Manufacturing; Transport; Energy; Wholesale; Retail; Finance; Insurance; Real Estate; Legal Services; Consumer, Public & Health Services; Education; Media; Consultancy; Technology; Public Administration; Sport & Entertainment; Other
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