Smoke Free Workplace Policy

About this category:

A Smoke Free Workplace Policy outlines the rules and regulations of a workplace that prohibits smoking, and provides information about the health risks associated with smoking and secondhand smoke.

Templates in this category:

Smoke-Free Workplace Policy (Ohio)

This legal template provides guidelines and regulations for implementing a smoke-free workplace policy in the state of Ohio, ensuring a healthy and compliant work environment for employees by prohibiting smoking on the premises.

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Smoke-Free Workplace Policy

This legal template could be a policy document outlining rules and regulations to establish a smoke-free workplace, including prohibitions on smoking in designated areas, expectations for employees and consequences for violations.

Contract template sketch
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Smoke-Free Workplace Policy (Colorado)

This legal template likely outlines the guidelines for creating a smoke-free workplace in Colorado, including the restrictions on smoking in indoor areas, designated smoking areas (if any), and the implementation of penalties for violating the policy.

Contract template sketch
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