
About this category:

Memorandums documents are used to record agreements between two or more parties.

Templates in this category:

Memorandum to Board: Issues to Consider When Preparing For Shareholder Engagement on Sensitive Social Issues

This legal template provides guidance to the Board of Directors on how to prepare for engaging with shareholders regarding sensitive social issues, in compliance with US law. It addresses key issues and considerations to ensure effective communication and decision-making during such engagements.

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Motion: a Protective Order (Federal): Memorandum of Law

This legal template could be about filing a motion for a protective order in a federal court, accompanied by a memorandum of law. The memorandum would outline the legal arguments and provide supporting evidence for the necessity of obtaining a protective order to safeguard the privacy or confidentiality of certain information or individuals in a case.

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Motion in Limine: Memorandum of Law (Federal)

This legal template is about a Motion in Limine, specifically a Memorandum of Law in the federal court system. It provides a concise statement of legal arguments and supporting authorities to exclude certain evidence or arguments during trial based on various grounds such as relevance, hearsay, or prejudice.

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Waiver (New York)

This legal template could entail a waiver form customized for use in the state of New York. It may cover various legal aspects, such as liability release, assumption of risk, and consent to participation in certain activities or events.

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Termination of Memorandum of Lease (Commercial Property) (Illinois)

This legal template outlines the process for terminating a memorandum of lease agreement for a commercial property in the state of Illinois. It provides guidance on the necessary steps, terms, and conditions involved in ending the lease agreement.

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Lactation Break Policy (California)

This legal template provides guidelines and requirements for employers in California to establish a lactation break policy in compliance with USA law, ensuring women employees have reasonable break times and appropriate spaces for expressing breast milk during working hours.

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Anti-Retaliation Policy (Pennsylvania)

This legal template provides guidelines and policies to protect employees in Pennsylvania from retaliation in the workplace, ensuring compliance with anti-retaliation laws and regulations in the United States.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding Revocable Trust (Illinois)

This legal template could be a memorandum addressed to a client in Illinois providing information and guidance regarding the funding of a revocable trust. It may outline the necessary steps, documentation, and considerations in transferring assets into the trust for the client's estate planning purposes.

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Smoke-Free Workplace Policy (Massachusetts)

This legal template is a document that outlines a smoke-free workplace policy specifically tailored for businesses operating in the state of Massachusetts. It provides guidelines and regulations to promote a healthy and smoke-free environment for employees and visitors.

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Termination of Memorandum of Lease (Commercial Property) (California)

This legal template is a document used to terminate a Memorandum of Lease for a commercial property in California. It outlines the necessary steps and provisions for both parties involved in the termination process.

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Motion: Sever Under FRCP 21: Memorandum of Law

This legal template could be a motion filed under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 21 to sever a claim or party from a lawsuit. The accompanying memorandum of law would provide arguments and legal analysis supporting the motion.

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Foreclosure Auction Terms of Sale and Memorandum of Sale (New York)

This legal template outlines the terms and conditions for foreclosure auctions in the state of New York under USA law. It includes specific details regarding the sale process, terms of payment, property transfer, and other relevant provisions.

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Memo to SpinCo Employees Explaining Effect of Spin-Off on Equity Compensation Awards (Portfolio Approach)

This legal template is a memo addressed to employees of SpinCo, a company undergoing a spin-off, to inform them about the impact of the spin-off on their equity compensation awards. It specifically discusses the portfolio approach to equity compensation under US law.

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Workplace Gender Transition Policy (New York)

This legal template outlines a policy for workplaces in New York to support and facilitate gender transition processes for employees. It covers key guidelines, procedures, and rights related to gender identity, ensuring inclusivity, sensitivity, and non-discrimination within the workplace.

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Federal Agency Self-Insurance Letter

This legal template likely pertains to a letter issued by a federal agency in the United States regarding their decision to self-insure. It may outline the agency's decision, details of their self-insurance plan, and any relevant legal requirements and regulations under USA law.

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Motion: Dismiss: Memorandum of Law (Federal)

This legal template likely pertains to a motion filed by one party in a federal court case, seeking the dismissal of certain claims or the entire case. The accompanying memorandum of law would provide supporting arguments and legal analysis to persuade the court to grant the motion.

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Workplace Drug Testing Policy (New York)

This legal template provides guidelines and regulations for implementing a workplace drug testing policy in compliance with New York state laws. It outlines procedures, employee consent, testing methods, consequences, and ensures a safe and drug-free working environment.

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Unanimous Consent of the Board of Directors (Washington)

This legal template likely pertains to the process and documentation required for obtaining unanimous consent from the Board of Directors in the state of Washington for matters requiring their approval or decision-making.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding Revocable Trust (Pennsylvania)

This legal template could be a memorandum written by an attorney to their client in Pennsylvania, discussing the process and implications of funding a revocable trust. The memorandum may provide guidance on how to transfer assets and ensure the trust is properly funded, highlighting the benefits and legal requirements to consider in this process.

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USPTO Patent Prosecution: PTAB Appeal Brief

This legal template could be about the process of filing an appeal brief with the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) after receiving a decision from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) rejecting the patent application. It would provide a structured format to argue against the decision and present evidence supporting the patentability of the claimed invention.

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Memorandum to Board: Issues When Considering an Unsolicited Bid

This legal template provides a concise memorandum to the Board of Directors outlining the key issues that need to be considered under USA law when evaluating an unsolicited bid for the company. It highlights the relevant legal aspects to help the Board make an informed decision.

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Memorandum of Lease (New York)

The legal template, Memorandum of Lease (New York) under USA law, likely pertains to a document outlining essential terms and conditions of a lease agreement for a property in New York. It serves to summarize key details such as lease duration, rental amount, property description, rights, and obligations of both the landlord and tenant. The memorandum is commonly used to provide a concise overview of the lease to interested parties without disclosing the entire agreement's contents.

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LP Consent (Property Financing) (Pennsylvania)

This legal template likely pertains to obtaining consent for property financing in Pennsylvania under USA law for a limited partnership (LP). It could include terms and conditions related to the financing agreement, such as loan conditions, repayment terms, and obligations of both the lender and the LP.

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Motion: File Arbitration Award Under Seal in New York State Court: Memorandum of Law

This legal template is likely a motion that seeks permission to file an arbitration award under seal in a New York State court. The accompanying memorandum of law would provide the legal arguments and justifications supporting this request.

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Memorandum of Foreclosure Sale (Georgia)

This legal template is a document specific to Georgia under USA law that outlines the details and terms of a memorandum of foreclosure sale. It likely covers information related to the sale of a property through foreclosure, including dates, parties involved, property description, and other relevant legal terms and conditions.

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Media Relations Policy

This template outlines a comprehensive Media Relations Policy in compliance with USA law. It covers guidelines and procedures regarding media interactions, interviews, press releases, public statements, and crisis communication to ensure effective communication while safeguarding legal rights and maintaining the organization's public image.

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Smoke-Free Workplace Policy (Illinois)

This legal template would outline the regulations and rules for establishing a smoke-free workplace in Illinois, including guidelines for smoking areas, employee responsibilities, and consequences for non-compliance with the policy.

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CTPAT Statement of Management Support

This legal template captures a statement of management support for the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) program, which is required by USA law. It outlines the commitment of the management to promote a secure supply chain and prevent terrorism-related threats in international trade.

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Funding Notice for Multiemployer Pension Plans

This legal template could be a document informing participants and beneficiaries of a multiemployer pension plan about the status of funding, contributions, and potential changes in the plan. It aims to provide transparency and meet the requirements set forth by relevant pension laws and regulations.

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Smoke-Free Workplace Policy (Tennessee)

This legal template outlines the policies and regulations regarding smoking in the workplace in the state of Tennessee, ensuring a smoke-free environment and compliance with applicable laws.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding and Administering Third-Party Special Needs Trust (California)

This legal template could be a memorandum addressed to a client in California, providing guidance on acquiring and managing a third-party special needs trust for the benefit of an individual with special needs. It may cover aspects such as funding options, trust administration, and compliance with relevant California laws and regulations.

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Letter From Parties to Waive Qualified Domestic Relations Order Appeal Period

This legal template is a letter drafted by parties involved in a domestic relations matter, seeking to waive the appeal period for a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) under USA law. The QDRO outlines the division of retirement assets in the event of a divorce or separation.

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Smoke-Free Workplace Policy (New Jersey)

This legal template outlines the regulations and guidelines for maintaining a smoke-free environment in the workplace, specifically catering to the laws and requirements set forth in New Jersey. It addresses the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees regarding smoking restrictions, designated smoking areas, enforcement policies, and penalties for non-compliance.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding Revocable Joint Trust for Couple (Illinois)

This legal template is a memorandum addressed to a client in Illinois, providing guidance and information regarding the establishment of a funding revocable joint trust for a couple. The template likely includes details on the legal process, requirements, and benefits of creating this type of trust in Illinois.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding and Administering Third-Party Special Needs Trust (Texas)

This legal template is a memorandum providing guidance to a client in Texas on funding and administering a third-party special needs trust. It outlines the necessary steps to ensure the trust is properly funded and managed to meet the needs of an individual with disabilities.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding and Administering Third-Party Special Needs Trust (New Jersey)

This legal template could be a memorandum that provides guidance to a client in New Jersey on funding and administering a third-party special needs trust. It may outline the steps and considerations involved in managing the trust, ensuring the financial security and well-being of a loved one with special needs.

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template Objections for Interrogatory Responses to Plaintiff in a Single Plaintiff FEHA Discrimination Case (California)

This legal template provides a standardized format for objecting to interrogatory responses in a discrimination case filed under California's Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) where there is only one plaintiff involved.

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Termination of Proceeding TTAB

This legal template could be about the termination of a proceeding at the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB). It may outline the necessary steps and requirements for requesting the termination of a trademark dispute or application before the TTAB, providing a standardized format to ensure compliance with applicable rules and regulations.

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Disability Accommodations Policy (Florida)

This legal template outlines the policy and guidelines for accommodating individuals with disabilities in the state of Florida, in adherence to the laws and regulations set forth in the United States of America.

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Shareholder Meeting Minutes: Approving Dissolution (Pennsylvania)

This legal template outlines the minutes of a shareholder meeting in Pennsylvania where the approval for the dissolution or termination of a company is discussed and documented.

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Waiver (Ohio)

This legal template could be about a waiver document specific to the state of Ohio. It likely outlines the voluntary and intentional relinquishment of certain rights or claims by one party, typically for potential risks, damages, or liabilities that may arise from participation in a particular activity or event.

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Memorandum to Board: Issues When Negotiating Settlement with an Investor

This legal template serves as a memorandum to the board of a company, highlighting key issues that need to be considered when negotiating a settlement with an investor. It specifically focuses on the legal aspects governed by the laws in the United States of America.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding Revocable Joint Trust (California)

This legal template contains a memorandum to inform the client about the process and benefits of funding a revocable joint trust in the state of California. It likely includes details on how to transfer assets, designate beneficiaries, and manage the trust to ensure a smooth estate planning process.

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Memorandum of Lease (New Jersey)

A Memorandum of Lease is a legal document specific to New Jersey, USA, that outlines essential details and provisions of a lease agreement between a landlord and a tenant. It serves as a simplified version of the lease, highlighting key terms, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties.

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Entry Confirming Sheriff's Sale and Ordering Distribution of Proceeds (Foreclosures) (Ohio)

This legal template pertains to the confirmation of a sheriff's sale and the subsequent distribution of proceeds in a foreclosure case in Ohio, in accordance with the laws of the United States.

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Memorandum: Understanding Passive Foreign Investment Company Rules

This legal template is a memorandum that provides an in-depth understanding of the Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC) rules. It explains the regulations surrounding PFICs and provides guidance on compliance and tax implications for individuals or businesses with overseas investments.

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Memorandum of Ground Lease (New York)

This legal template is a Memorandum of Ground Lease specific to New York, governed by USA law. It likely outlines the terms, conditions, and rights related to leasing a property for an extended period, generally for commercial or residential use.

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Motion: a More Definite Statement: Memorandum of Law

This legal template addresses a motion requesting the opposing party to provide a clearer and more specific explanation of their claims or defenses in a lawsuit. The accompanying memorandum of law provides legal arguments supporting the need for a more definite statement.

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Smoke-Free Workplace Policy (Louisiana)

This legal template provides guidelines and policies for maintaining a smoke-free workplace environment in the state of Louisiana, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations. It covers aspects such as designated smoking areas, health implications, enforcement measures, and employee obligations.

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Affidavit of Lost Note (Foreclosures) (Ohio)

This legal template likely pertains to a sworn statement or declaration regarding the loss or misplacement of a promissory note associated with a foreclosure case in Ohio under the jurisdiction of the United States.

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Agenda for Annual Sharesholders' Meeting

This legal template outlines the agenda items and proceedings for an Annual Shareholders' Meeting as per USA law. It provides a structured framework for discussing and voting on key corporate matters, including financial reports, election of directors, executive compensation, and any other relevant items.

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Memorandum to Board: Issues When Selecting Directors Designated by an Investor

This legal template is a memorandum addressed to a corporate board discussing the issues that may arise when selecting directors designated by an investor, in accordance with United States law. It likely provides guidance on the legal considerations and potential challenges associated with this process.

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Funds Flow Memorandum (M&A Transaction)

The Funds Flow Memorandum template is a legal document that outlines the financial aspects of a merger or acquisition transaction. It details the flow of funds between the parties involved, ensuring transparency and compliance throughout the process.

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Leave Sharing and Vacation Donation Policy for Medical Emergencies (Colorado)

This legal template outlines the policies and guidelines for employees to voluntarily share their earned leave with colleagues facing medical emergencies, as well as the guidelines for employees to donate their vacation time for such purposes. This template is specifically tailored to comply with the laws and regulations in the state of Colorado under USA law.

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Memorandum of Points and Authorities (California)

This legal template is a memorandum used in California under USA law to present the arguments, legal authorities, and supporting points in a concise and structured format to support a legal motion or argument in a case.

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Lactation Break Policy (Illinois)

This legal template provides guidance and policies for employers in Illinois, USA, regarding lactation breaks and accommodation for breastfeeding employees as required by state and federal laws.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding Revocable Trust (Texas)

This legal template appears to be a memo to a client regarding the process and legal requirements surrounding the funding of a revocable trust in the state of Texas. It likely provides guidance on how to transfer assets into the trust, ensuring that the client's assets are protected and properly managed according to their wishes.

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Minutes of Board of Directors (Lending): Subsidiary Guarantor (Corporation)

This legal template could be a document that outlines the minutes of a board of directors meeting for a lending institution. It specifically focuses on discussing and documenting the role of a subsidiary guarantor corporation in the lending activities and agreements.

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Memorandum of Lease (Ohio)

This legal template titled "Memorandum of Lease (Ohio)" under USA law is likely a document that outlines the key details and terms of a lease agreement in the state of Ohio. It may include information such as the property address, lease duration, rent amount, and the rights and responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant.

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Payments to Specified Employees by Section 409A: Explanatory Memorandum For Directors/Compensation Committee

This legal template provides an explanatory memorandum for directors or a compensation committee regarding payments to specified employees as per Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code. It outlines the rules and regulations surrounding these payments and offers guidance on compliance.

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Memorandum of Option Contract (California)

This legal template outlines the terms and conditions of an Option Contract in the state of California, according to the laws of the United States. It provides a memorandum format to document the agreement between two parties regarding the option to buy or sell certain assets or properties.

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Memorandum of Lease (Illinois)

This legal template is a written agreement outlining the terms and conditions of a lease agreement in the state of Illinois, under United States law. The Memorandum of Lease serves as a reference document for both the landlord and tenant, providing clarity and legal protection for both parties involved in the leasing transaction.

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Workplace Drug Testing Policy (New Jersey)

This legal template outlines the policy and procedures for drug testing in the workplace, specifically tailored to the state of New Jersey. It covers requirements, consent, testing methods, consequences, and employee rights, ensuring compliance with relevant laws.

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Termination of Residential Property Lease (New York)

This legal template could be a document outlining the process and requirements for terminating a residential property lease in the state of New York. It may cover the rights and obligations of both the tenant and landlord, procedures for lease termination, and any applicable state laws or regulations.

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Leave Sharing and Vacation Donation Policy for Medical Emergencies (Tennessee)

This legal template outlines the policy for employees in Tennessee, USA, to voluntarily share their unused vacation days with colleagues facing medical emergencies. It provides guidelines and procedures for both donors and recipients, ensuring compliance with relevant laws.

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Flexible Work Schedule Policy (Illinois)

This legal template provides guidelines and policies for employers and employees in Illinois, USA, regarding the implementation of flexible work schedules. It outlines the rights and obligations of both parties and ensures compliance with local labor laws.

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Funding morandum to Client: Funding o Client: Funding Irrevocable Inter Vivos Gift Trust for Non Spouse Beneficiary (Client Memorandum)

This legal template is a memorandum intended for a client regarding the establishment of a Funding Irrevocable Inter Vivos Gift Trust. The trust is designed to provide financial support to a non-spouse beneficiary, and this document outlines the details and implications for the client.

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Memorandum of Ground Lease (Illinois)

This legal template is a Memorandum of Ground Lease specific to the state of Illinois under United States law. It likely outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon between a property owner (lessor) and a tenant (lessee) regarding the use and occupation of the land for a specific period of time.

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Agency Motion: Dismiss Appeal for Lack of Jurisdiction Under the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA): MSPB

This legal template is likely a motion filed by an agency to dismiss an appeal on the grounds of lacking jurisdiction under the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) and the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) in the United States. The motion aims to argue that the appeal should not be considered by the MSPB due to jurisdictional issues.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding and Administering Third-Party Special Needs Trust (Georgia)

This legal template likely provides a memorandum to a client in Georgia, outlining the process and guidelines for funding and administering a third-party special needs trust. It may include information on how to secure financial assets, manage trust funds, and ensure the beneficiary's needs are met within the legal framework.

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Leave Sharing and Vacation Donation Policy for Medical Emergencies (New York)

This legal template outlines a policy for employees to donate their vacation time to colleagues in need of additional leave due to medical emergencies. It is specific to New York state and follows USA law.

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Discovery Deficiency Letter (Florida)

The legal template "Discovery Deficiency Letter (Florida) under USA law" could be a document used to inform the opposing party in a legal case in Florida, USA about issues or insufficiencies in the discovery process. The letter may address failures in providing necessary information, documents, or responses during the discovery phase of a lawsuit.

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Lactation Break Policy (Missouri)

This legal template is likely a document outlining the lactation break policy for employees in Missouri, in compliance with USA law. It may include provisions on the duration and frequency of breaks, accommodation requirements, and employee rights regarding breastfeeding or expressing milk at work.

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Memorandum to Board: Determining Whether to Issue Quarterly Earnings Guidance

This legal template provides guidance to a board of directors on whether they should issue quarterly earnings guidance, complying with applicable USA laws and regulations. It assists in assessing the potential benefits, risks, and legal responsibilities associated with providing such guidance to shareholders and the public.

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Memorandum: Understanding Obligations by Section 16 of Exchange Act

This legal template is a memorandum that outlines the understanding of obligations imposed by Section 16 of the Exchange Act. It provides guidance and clarifies the requirements related to reporting, disclosing, and preventing insider trading by corporate insiders.

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Memorandum to Board: Activism Preparedness in Age of COVID-19

This legal template is a memorandum prepared for a board, addressing the topic of activism preparedness amidst the COVID-19 pandemic within the context of US law. It likely includes guidance on legal rights and considerations for handling activism-related issues during this crisis.

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Leave Sharing and Vacation Donation Policy for Medical Emergencies (Ohio)

This legal template is a document that outlines the policy for leave sharing and vacation donation in the state of Ohio, USA, specifically for medical emergencies. It provides guidelines for employees who wish to donate their vacation time to colleagues experiencing serious health issues and need additional paid time off.

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Separation and Release of Claims Contract (New Jersey)

This legal template likely pertains to a document that outlines the terms of separation and release of claims for individuals in the state of New Jersey. It may cover the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties involved in the separation, including the release of any legal claims that might arise.

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Smoke-Free Workplace Policy (Pennsylvania)

This legal template provides guidelines and regulations for implementing a smoke-free workplace policy in the state of Pennsylvania. It outlines the restrictions on smoking, designated smoking areas, enforcement measures, and the rights and obligations of employers and employees.

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LLC Consent (Property Acquisition and Financing) (Texas)

This legal template pertains to obtaining consent from members of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Texas for property acquisition and financing matters, in accordance with the laws of the United States.

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SEC Net Capital Deficiency Letter For Broker-Dealers

This legal template is likely a letter from the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) to a broker-dealer notifying them of their net capital deficiency, which means the firm's net worth is lower than the required minimum. The letter would provide warning and instructions on how to rectify the deficiency and meet regulatory requirements.

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Discovery Deficiency Letter (New York)

This legal template is likely a letter template used in the state of New York under US law, to address a deficiency in the discovery process. It is typically used to notify the opposing party when there is a failure in providing necessary information or documents during the discovery phase of a legal proceeding.

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Motion for a Protective Order (Massachusetts): Memorandum of Law

This legal template provides a memorandum of law supporting a motion for a protective order in Massachusetts. It is used to request court protection against disclosure of certain information or to restrict access to sensitive documents during legal proceedings.

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Commencing ICC arbitration (1998 Rules): Request: covering letter

This legal template is a covering letter template specifically designed for commencing ICC arbitration under the 1998 Rules. It is intended to be used in the USA legal system.

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Shareholder Meeting Minutes: Approving Dissolution (New York)

This legal template is a document that outlines the minutes of a shareholder meeting in New York, specifically addressing the approval of the dissolution of a company. It records the discussion, decisions, and voting results regarding the dissolution process.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (Single Individual with Trust For Children)

This legal template is a memorandum addressed to a client regarding the funding of an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust. It specifically pertains to a single individual who wants to establish a trust for the benefit of their children. The memorandum likely provides guidance on the process and considerations involved in funding the trust with life insurance policies.

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Agency Motion: Dismiss Appeal as Untimely Filed: MSPB

This legal template likely pertains to an agency's motion requesting the dismissal of an appeal due to it being filed after the designated deadline at the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) under the United States law.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding and Administering Third-Party Special Needs Trust (Florida)

This legal template is a memorandum that provides guidance and instructions to a client regarding funding and administering a Third-Party Special Needs Trust in the state of Florida. It likely covers important aspects such as trust funding, distribution of assets, government benefits preservation, and general administration of the trust.

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Smoke-Free Workplace Policy (Georgia)

This legal template provides guidelines for employers in Georgia to establish and enforce a smoke-free workplace policy, ensuring a healthier and cleaner environment for employees by prohibiting smoking on company premises.

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Anti-Retaliation Policy (Minnesota)

This legal template outlines an Anti-Retaliation Policy specifically tailored for employers in the state of Minnesota, under the jurisdiction of United States law. It aims to protect employees from any form of retaliation for reporting misconduct or participating in investigations.

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Memorandum of Lease (Florida)

This legal template likely outlines the essential terms and conditions of a lease agreement in the state of Florida, United States. It could include information about the parties involved, property details, lease duration, rent payment terms, maintenance responsibilities, and other provisions necessary to protect the rights and obligations of both the landlord and tenant under Florida law.

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Heat Illness Prevention Policy (California)

This legal template outlines the policy and guidelines for preventing heat-related illnesses in the workplace, specifically in compliance with the heat illness prevention regulations in the state of California.

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Discovery Deficiency Letter (Massachusetts)

The Discovery Deficiency Letter (Massachusetts) legal template under USA law is a document used to notify the opposing party of non-compliance with specific discovery obligations in a legal case taking place in Massachusetts. It aims to address and rectify any deficiencies in the discovery process.

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Motion: a Mistrial (Federal): Memorandum of Law

This legal template is a memorandum of law designed for a motion requesting a mistrial in a federal case. It presents legal arguments and supporting evidence to persuade the court that a mistrial is warranted due to a significant error or misconduct that has prejudiced the outcome of the trial.

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Workplace Health and Safety Policy (New York)

This legal template likely outlines the company's policies and procedures for ensuring a safe and healthy work environment in compliance with the specific health and safety regulations in New York. It may cover topics such as risk assessment, employee training, hazard identification, emergency response, and worker compensation, among others.

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Anti-Retaliation Policy (Massachusetts)

This legal template provides guidelines and policies to protect employees from retaliation in the state of Massachusetts, in compliance with USA laws. It outlines measures to prevent retaliatory actions and offers a framework for employees to report and address any instances of retaliation.

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Memorandum to Client: Funding Revocable Trust (California)

This template could be a legal document providing guidance and instructions to a client regarding the process of funding a revocable trust in the state of California. It may outline the necessary steps, legal requirements, and potential implications of funding the trust to help the client ensure the assets are properly transferred and protected.

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Letter of Intent: Shares Acquisitions

This legal template is a Letter of Intent (LOI) that outlines the terms and conditions for the acquisition of shares in a company under USA law. It serves as a formal agreement between the parties involved in the transaction, setting the groundwork for further negotiations and due diligence.

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Securities Act: Motion: Dismiss Memorandum of Law

This legal template is a memorandum of law regarding a motion to dismiss a case related to violations of the Securities Act. It outlines the legal arguments and reasons supporting the dismissal of the case.

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Letter to Participants Recouping Lump Sum Retirement Plan Overpayment

This legal template could be a letter template that provides instructions and information to participants on how to recoup a lump sum overpayment received from a retirement plan, following the regulations and guidelines set by the laws of the United States.

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